February 20, 21 and 22, 2025
Produced, Directed and Choreographed
Laurie Sefton
Choose the Face that best describes how you’re feeling
Dance Artists: Carmen Callahan, Leah Hamel, Enya Kollek, Harry Louis, Leah McCall, Zachary Medina and Jane Zogbi
Original music by Erika Poh and Sasha Matson
More Please (2014)
Dance Artists: Carmen Callahan (Lead 2/20), Hunter Foster, Leah Hamel (Lead 2/21 & 2/22), Zachary Medina and Megan Pulfer
Costumes: Velwyn Yossy
The Mythology of Self (2022)
Dance Artists: Hunter Foster, Enya Kollek, Leah McCall, Megan Pulfer and Jane Zogbi
Photographer: Adrien Padilla
Visual Artists: German Diaz and Paige Twyman (2/21 and 2/22)
Original music by Emer Kinsella, Bryan Curt Kostors and Victoria Vasta
Original vocals by Carmen Voskhul
Costumes: Leon Weibers
Click for more information about Laurie, our collaborators and Performing Artists.
Artists images will be available for purchase at at later date. Please join our newsletter to receive future information. Proceeds go to support future performances, the photographer and the visual artists.